
模块 ringo/utils/objects

添加用于处理 JavaScript 对象的实用程序函数


clone (object, circular, depth, prototype)


它通过跟踪访问的属性来支持使用循环引用来克隆对象。 只有当克隆的对象不能通过预知持有任何循环引用时,可以关闭追踪以节省CPU和内存。


let objects = require("ringo/utils/objects");
let a = [1, 2, 3];

// shallow clone: b.a and c.a will share the same array
let b = objects.clone(a);
a[0] = 100;

console.dir(a); // -> [ 100, 2, 3 ]
console.dir(b); // -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]

let root = { simple: 1 };
let circle = { circ: root };
root.circle = circle;

let copy = objects.clone(root);
console.dir(root); // -> { simple: 1, circle: { circ: [CyclicRef] }}
console.dir(copy); // -> { simple: 1, circle: { circ: [CyclicRef] }}

// endless loop, throws a java.lang.StackOverflowError
let danger = objects.clone(root, false);

// limiting the depth might lead to shallow clones!
let tree = { root: 1, a: { b: { c: { d: { e: "foo" } } } } };
let fullClone = objects.clone(tree);
let shallowClone = objects.clone(tree, true, 1);

tree.root = 2; // depth = 1
tree.a.b.c.d.e = "bar"; // depth = 5

console.log(tree.root); // --> 2
console.dir(tree.a.b.c.d); // --> { e: 'bar' }

console.log(fullClone.root); // --> 1
console.dir(fullClone.a.b.c.d); // --> { e: 'foo' }

console.log(shallowClone.root); // --> 1
console.dir(shallowClone.a.b.c.d); // --> { e: 'bar' }


Object object

the object to clone

Boolean circular

(optional, default true) true if the object to be cloned may contain circular references

Number depth

(optional, default Infinity) limits the non-shallow clone of an object to a particular depth

Object prototype

(optional) sets the prototype to be used when cloning an object



the clone object

merge (obj...)

创建一个新对象,如同提供对象的按键联合一样。 只要某个键存在于较早对象中已存在的较晚对象中,则较早对象的相应值优先。


const a = { "k1": "val-A" };
const b = { "k1": "val-B", "k2": "val-B" };
const c = { "k1": "val-C", "k2": "val-C" };

// result: { k1: 'val-A', k2: 'val-B' }
const result = objects.merge(a, b, c);


Object... obj...

The objects to merge